39:07 Unintentional ASMR | Beautiful Life Lessons by Kelly from Kenya (unique relaxing accent) 129 89%
29:08 Unintentional ASMR 😵 Hypnotic Alexander Technique Demonstration (Soft Spoken Male & Female) 67 81%
07:00 Unintentional ASMR – Robyn Peterson – Soft Spoken – Showing/Explaining Native American Artifacts 262 73%
26:08 Unintentional ASMR | Showing and Cleaning Star Wars Collectibles (British Accent, Soft Spoken) 163 6%
26:17 Unintentional ASMR – Sandra Elkin/Marjorie Margolies – Interview – "Woman" Single Parent Experience 218 65%
01:27:11 Unintentional ASMR 🃏 Relaxing Blackjack Casino with Unintelligible Croupiers (1,5h Compilation) 183 18%
40:53 Unintentional ASMR | Sleep Now w/ Whisper Quiet Monk Speaking About Meditation and Mindfulness 98 98%
10:55 Unintentional ASMR Sherlock Holmes 🕵️ Room Inspection Sounds, Old British Accents (Jeremy Brett) 19 87%
28:08 Unintentional ASMR 🪐 Proof of Life on Mars? Alien Technology? 👽 Soft Spoken Conspiracy Theorist 186 70%
30:23 Unintentional ASMR 🖥️ Probably the MOST RELAXING PC Build & Maintenance (British Accent) 168 8%