29:38 ASMR: Reiki For Panic Attacks and Anxiety (Whispering, Hand Movements, Tapping, Plucking, etc) 156 77%
12:53 ASMR Fast & Aggressive Cranial Nerve Exam Doctor Roleplay | Medical Examination | Eye Test/Light/Ear 200 79%
31:00 ASMR Unpredictable Archaeologist – Face Fixing Exam, Brushing, Tuning Fork – Roleplay for Sleep 289 73%
13:13 ASMR | Fast & Aggressive Medical Examination Roleplay (Focus, Personal Attention, & More) 337 55%
24:08 ASMR Kewas – Yearly Exam on Real Person (Cranial, Eyes and Scalp) | Measuring (Symetry) , Light test 137 19%
21:08 [ASMR FRANÇAIS] Examen Nerf Crânien ♡ EXAMEN NEUROLOGIQUE ♡ Cranial Nerve Exam Role Play 131 75%
29:00 ASMR – Cranial Nerve Exam – tongue clicking, pen light triggers, measuring, typing & writing, gloves 162 64%