24:11 Unintentional ASMR | SOFT Spoken Casino Dealer Will Make You Sleep NOW [Unintelligible Croupiers] 86 70%
01:53:09 Another Incredibly Soft Spoken Interview Edited for the Best Unintentional ASMR Experience 186 6%
31:33 Unintentional ASMR | VERY Soft Spoken Dutch Lady Teaches Super Relaxing Yoga Session | Esther Ekhart 286 35%
01:23:01 Unintentional ASMR | Soft Spoken French Mathematician Gives Relaxing Lecture | Cédric Villani 150 96%
01:34:21 One of the Best Unintentional ASMR voices for Sleep — Samuel CC Ting Interview | Very Relaxing Video 101 97%
11:57 This combat veteran has the BEST Unintentional ASMR voice for sleep! | Whisper Quiet Accidental ASMR 169 77%
01:48:16 The BEST Unintentional ASMR Accent for Sleeping | Australian Guy Whispering About Comic Books 297 96%
37:14 Unintentional ASMR | Soft Spoken Bosnian Man Talks About The Bosnian Pyramids To Help You Sleep 157 56%
05:40:38 Unintentional ASMR | Marvin Minsky gives a super relaxing lecture on Mathematics for MIT 249 64%
01:52:30 Unintentional ASMR | Probably the best unintentional ASMR interview for sleeping feat. Tony Samara 78 100%
01:24:58 Land Surveyor giving Unintentional ASMR presentation on the principles of Boundary Determination 323 59%
34:26 NOTICE the Best Unintentional ASMR accent to help you Sleep [Polish Accent] | Satsang w/ Neelam 95 55%
28:50 Best 🇧🇪 Unintentional ASMR | Extremely soft spoken Belgian Accent Gives Spiritual Advice | Satsang 298 56%
52:40 A really boring video to help you sleep now | Unintentional ASMR | British man reads encyclopedia 115 86%
01:13:44 Best Unintentional ASMR Gaming | VERY Soft Spoken British Guy Shows Super Mario 64 Hacking Tips 227 39%
17:47 Best Unintentional ASMR Medical Exam For Falling Asleep | Thorough Face Exam With Soft Spoken Doctor 164 60%
01:19:19 Unintentional ASMR 💎 VERY Soft Spoken Gemstone Therapy Session Is Amazing For Sleep & Anxiety 208 52%
17:01 The Best Unintentional ASMR British Accent For Sleep Re-Edited But… He's Too Interesting To Sleep! 148 68%
18:43 The Bob Ross of Knife Sharpening | Unintentional ASMR Knife Sharpening To Help You Sleep Now 271 70%
40:53 Unintentional ASMR | Sleep Now w/ Whisper Quiet Monk Speaking About Meditation and Mindfulness 98 98%
37:31 TRULY the most relaxing unintentional ASMR hypnosis ever | Soft Spoken hypnosis for sleep 200 100%
42:40 Unintentional ASMR Medical Exam | Probably the most soft spoken medical exam ever recorded 264 63%
11:27 Unintentional ASMR | VERY Soft Spoken Australian Woman Shares Her Best DIY Hacks | Edited For ASMR 66 38%
30:02 Unintentional ASMR | A Counting Machine To Help You Sleep? UK/Dutch Accent Shows You Old Calculators 269 84%
01:00:34 The Best Unintentional ASMR voice EVER re-edited to help you sleep in seconds | John Butler ASMR 133 96%