46:04 ASMR Reiki Healing the Heart Chakra/Balancing & Aligning the 4th Chakra with a Reiki Master/Anahata 131 67%
28:28 ASMR REIKI healing session ❀ plucking negative energy & cord cutting | aura cleansing hand movements 52 93%
55:16 ASMR Reiki for Depression/Healing Reiki Session for Support & Comfort/Soft Spoken Personal Attention 167 52%
01:13:10 ASMR Reiki For Grounding/Plucking Negative Energy/Reiki Master Centering Session with Crystals, Sage 61 92%
41:17 ASMR Reiki for Panic Attacks/Soft Spoken Session for Anxiety/ASMR with a Reiki Master Practitioner 135 73%
51:34 ASMR Reiki for Calming Body, Mind & Spirit/Energy Work to Calm You Down/Reiki Healing with a Master 212 0%
01:14:01 ASMR Reiki for Connecting with the Divine/Rainy Day Soft Spoken Reiki Session with a Reiki Master 126 62%
01:31:19 ASMR Reiki for Learning and Study/Reiki Session for Acquiring Knowledge with a Reiki Master Healer 214 31%
36:24 ASMR Reiki for Reinvigoration/High Vibe Morning Energy/Soft Spoken Personal Attention (No tapping) 250 71%
01:32:10 ASMR Reiki for Anger/Soft Spoken Reiki Session to Soothe and Calm/Distance Reiki with a Reiki Master 134 97%
01:23:06 ASMR Reiki for Stressful Times/Soft Spoken Reiki Session with a Reiki Master/Restorative Rainy Day 300 0%
34:33 ASMR REIKI throat chakra balancing | plucking negative energy, singing bowl, crystal healing ✨ 99 82%
01:00:41 ASMR Reiki for Evolution/New Moon, New Beginnings/Reiki Master Session for Transformation & Balance 249 70%
25:17 ASMR REIKI drawing & tracing reiki symbols on chakras for sleep | hand movements, balancing chakras 179 98%
31:05 ASMR REIKI chakra balancing | solar plexus | plucking, hand movements, negative energy removal 134 80%
39:15 ASMR Reiki Healing for Sleep to Ease Anxiety & Stress at Bedtime (binaural whispers & soft speaking) 199 70%
01:01:34 ASMR Reiki Holding Space for Pain/Nurturing the Collective in Painful Times/Reiki Master Healer ASMR 187 77%
32:56 ASMR REIKI root chakra balancing | hand movements, chakras energy healing, positive affirmations 165 72%
39:39 cord cutting + energetic protection for empaths / ASMR REIKI negative energy removal / plucking 299 35%
27:29 ASMR REIKI for nightmares | plucking negative energy, hand movements | sleepy crystal energy healing 190 44%
25:47 ASMR REIKI chakra balancing | grounding your anxiety | hand movements, crystal healing | EARTH STAR 161 100%
36:10 ASMR Reiki for Nightmares/Healing Energy Session with a Reiki Master/Soft Spoken, Personal Attention 74 100%
30:15 ASMR REIKI balancing your chakras, plucking negative energy & drawing symbols ~ crystal healing 316 59%
20:04 ASMR REIKI | energy balancing & personal attention | hand movements, hair brushing, soft spoken 45 69%