15:11 ASMR español 🇪🇸💤 Reiki & Limpieza de chakras 💆 Atencion personal, Plucking [SOFT SPOKEN] 240 82%
42:04 ASMR Reiki for Sleep | Release Burden and Stress |Gua Sha, Acupressure, Crystal Cleanse @SemideCoco 257 43%
15:20 ASMR Reiki For Anxiety & Stress (Energy Plucking, Crystal Healing, Tarot Reading, Hand Movements) 239 67%
03:04:09 ASMR Meditation Music to Balance Feminine and Masculine Energies • ASMR Reiki Energy Healing 156 71%
01:00:01 ASMR Reiki for Self Worth/Energy Work for Confidence & Self Esteem/Crystal Healing w/ a Reiki Master 150 59%
29:23 ASMR Reiki for Sleep (Singing Bowl, Tarot Reading, Body Scan, Hand Movements, Energy Plucking) 287 69%
08:28 ASMR REIKI. MORNING ENERGY BOOST CARNELIAN MEDITATION. Crystal healing for fatigue & exhaustion. 226 66%
32:55 ASMR Reiki for Self Love & Heart Center Awareness (Hand Movements, Crystal Healing, Meditation) 188 82%
48:01 ASMR Reiki for the Solar Plexus/Balancing, Unblocking & Aligning/Energetic Healing with Reiki Master 310 25%
44:48 ASMR Reiki for Nightmares | All about Dreams (Hand Movements, Singing Bowl, Crystal Healing) 208 0%
01:02:58 ASMR Reiki for Transformation/Energetic Healing While You Sleep/Relaxing Session with a Reiki Master 58 93%
33:34 ASMR Reiki for Sleep | Raise Your Vibration (Crystal Healing, Hand Movements, Body Scan, Rain Sound) 246 75%
46:12 ASMR Soft Spoken Energy Session/Real Person Reiki Healing with a Reiki Master/Reiki with Anna 163 96%
01:20:01 ASMR Reiki for Self Love/Reiki for Deep Healing, Acceptance and Forgiveness/Reiki Master Heals You 226 79%
44:45 ASMR Reiki Healing for Depression (Smoke Cleanse, Body Scan, Tarot Reading, Rain Sounds) 222 38%
30:46 ASMR Reiki Energy Healing Roleplay With The Dark Fairy | Plucking, Crystal Sounds, Hand Movements 182 89%
44:45 ASMR Reiki Healing for Surrender and Trusting the Process 🔮(Hand Movements, Crystals, Tarot Reading) 155 83%
55:56 ASMR Reiki: Release the Ego Mind + Negative Thoughts (Hand Movements, Singing Bowl, Rain Sounds) 120 84%
54:10 ASMR Reiki | Energy Healing for Confidence (Affirmations, Crystal Healing, Hand Movements) 189 13%
11:28 ASMR Reiki For Negative Energy Removal w/ Rain Sounds (Crystal Cleansing | Healing | Tarot Reading ) 123 46%
37:35 Reiki ASMR Healing Session – Reiki Master Energy Healer Calming Anxiety Relief Sleep – CC Subtitles 303 89%
36:56 ASMR Reiki for Negative Energy Removal (Plucking, Raking, Scratching, Hand Flutters) Reiki for Sleep 40 17%
39:49 ASMR Reiki for Sleep | Negative Energy Removal | Plucking, Pulling, Wiping Hand Movements 101 20%