25:28 ASMR Light Sensitivity Eye Exam 👁️ Detailed Medical Doctor Roleplay, Dark Room Detailed Examination 40 75%
25:28 ASMR Light Sensitivity Eye Exam 👁️ Detailed Medical Doctor Roleplay, Dark Room Detailed Examination 314 50%
12:50 ASMR Doctor Fast Cranial Nerve Exam Male Roleplay (Medical Exam, Light Triggers, Ear, Eye Exam) 180 50%
38:19 ASMR Eye Exam Lens 1 or 2 Exam Doctor Roleplay REALISTIC Vision Test, Cranial Nerve, Glasses Fitting 152 96%
01:17:01 ASMR ONLY 3% Will Pass Doctor MOST Detailed Cranial Nerve Exam Roleplay Ear, Eye Exam Hearing Test 185 100%
10:58 The Best Unintentional ASMR 7: Do You Think She Is Better Than Dr Hollie Berry-ASMR Clash Of Titans 126 76%