25:58 unintentional asmr Pathologist explains Aneurysm (Definition & Types of aneursym) indian accent 308 88%
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52:01 Unintentional ASMR – Doris McMillon/Lois Mailou Jones – Interview – Pioneering Black Woman Artist 83 80%
44:03 Unintentional ASMR – Robert Pinsky – Former US Poet Laureate Reads Frost & Williams Poetry 203 57%
14:11 Unintentional ASMR 💆 Soft Spoken ASMR Massage | Reverse Grey Hair & Reduce Wrinkles Energy Healing 98 72%
10:38 unintentional asmr Explanation of Arrhythmia Mechanism/Bradyarrhythmia Tachyarrhythmia,soft spoken 240 53%